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Russia dedicated server hosting Price
Here Some FAQ
What is a Dedicated Server?
Most companies host their websites on shared servers. Many websites coexist on a shared server, sharing the resources of the machine. Shared hosting is much cheaper and ideal for companies that do not have credit card transactions, that do not have a lot of traffic or that do not contain very sensitive and important information in their databases. Companies that depend on their websites and databases for their business should invest in a more controlled and private environment, such as a dedicated server.
What to find with a Dedicated Server?
Secure data protection
A shared environment is not the ideal one to maintain the security of your data, since many other users have access to the same system. With a dedicated server you can establish the security policies you want, and even shield access to keep your data in a more secure environment.
Exclusive use of server resources
On a shared server, all the websites hosted on it share processing capacity, RAM and disk space. On a dedicated server, all the resources are exclusively for your websites and applications, and you have the possibility and the right to consume the resources that the machine has available (process, RAM, storage)
Total control
You can install the applications you want, start the processes and services you need, and perform the tasks you consider appropriate. The server is at your entire disposal for what you need at any time, and nobody else will depend on their applications, so you can configure them as required. In addition, it allows for greater security control, complete access to logs. The server is complete for you, with “super-user” access, so you can do whatever you want. Although if you want it, and you don’t need all that control, we can offer you a server administration service, so that you can exclusively care about your business.
Can the latency and speed of the network be checked? If yes, then how?
Yes, you can check the latency and speed of the network by opening a Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and running the command “ping IP”. The latency response time will be tested from your server to Google’s DNS server. Users can also join us on Live Chat support to get Test IP for latency and speed.
What is the Datacenter of the Russia Dedicated Server?
Moscow is our nearest data center in Russia. We will ensure that user data will be secure in our data center and the site will be loaded quickly with high traffic. Fog Hosting’s technical support is available 24×7 hours to manage user data.
Which payment methods can be applied?
Fog Hosting accepts Several payment methods which are listed here
Credit & Debit Card, UPI, Net Banking / Wallet
Cryptocurrency – Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin
Bitcoin | Cryptocurrency
SOFORT Banking
iDeal via Payssion
Bank Transfer
We also offer an installment plan so you can spread the cost of your server over a number of months. Whatever payment method you choose, you can be sure that you’re getting the best possible service at the most affordable price.
What discounts are offered?
We offer discounts on all of our services, including our Russian Dedicated Server. To find out more about our discounts and to get a custom quote for your needs, please get in touch with our sales team.
Prepayment for 3 months — 2.5%
Prepayment for 6 months — 5.0%
Prepayment for 12 months — 10.0%
Can I upgrade to Russian Server in the future?
Yes, you can upgrade to a Russia Dedicated Server at any time. Simply contact our sales team to discuss your options and we will help you get set up with the perfect server for your needs.
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